Saturday, January 15, 2011

Excursion Around The Bay

No matter where my siblings and I lived growing up, the walls were always covered in the ever present talents of my mother.  In fact, for as long as I can remember, I have been surrounded by her beautiful paintings of Western Canadian landscape and the shores of Newfoundland.

Using primarily acrylic paints, my mom Mary Reynolds is strongly influenced by her Newfie roots and has covered every area of the province from Brigus to St. John's.  She started painting long before I was born and has continued right up until today.  Recently expanding in to other medians, Mary has begun exploring different forms of art and can paint just about anything you heart desires. My own apartment today is even filled with an array of her paintings, as she has blessed her family and friends with a constant stream of her work.

My mother's artistic skill have clearly had a lasting impression on my family and I, and I am so happy to have such a wonderfully talented woman in my life.  Though Mary does not have a website, I am happy to provide you with any information if  you are interested in her art!

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