Thursday, November 18, 2010

Right Side Down

Today. Was. A. Bad. Day..  

Stressed from school. Cramming for an exam. Raining outside. Frustration at work. No Staci and James. Can't get out of bed. No food in house. Late for class. Bus never ever on time. 

Bad. Start. To. The. Day.  

Today. Was. A. Good. Day.

Writing insanely hard exam. Fire alarm goes off in middle of insanely hard exam. Evacuate Building.  Fire trucks arrive. Seven. (really?) 

  Big sexy firemen rescue building !
(Ooooooor wear full suits and stand around building that is not actually on fire)
Besides the Point.

 Class dismissed. YAY!!. 
Go home early. Finish other assignment early
Receive nicest phone call ever from best friend.

Today. Was. A. Good. Day.

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